
Our Little Town
by our little champs..



Valiathovala is a small town in Idukki district of Kerala, the south estern state of India with map co-ordinates @9.7962299,77.1241764,17 and we enjoy a mixed culture of Christian, Hindu and few Muslim good hearted people..

If you are a native of Valiathovala, and a story to share here, please write to us and we will publish it here..

We dedicate this webspace to our forefathers who had no technology in hand but the courage to conquer this land and created great future for generations....

The Founders

The seniors of Valiathovala had shared a history of the village from the 1960s. Most of them have migrated from Kottayam and nearby regions for a better living. Food scarcity was one of the primary reason for the migration. They worked together to fight the challeges of this area.

The Builders

They worked hard and changed the landscape of this baron land to a land with lot of cultivation. Starting from food items Tappioca, Rice and then the spices Pepper to Cardamom, they have planted everything to make it for the living and for the upbringing of their kids.

The Prospects

Today the era of third and fourth generation of this small town. We have good school and commercial aspects, roads, transportation facilities, cars & bikes in most of the houses. Almost everyone is well educated and 30-40% of the new generation is working outside of the town (within and outside of the country).

Contact Us

If you are a native of Valiathovala, and a story to share here, please write to us and we will publish it here..